Stake Relief Society Conference February 28, 2015

Tying Families Together Through the Gospel of Jesus Christ

We were thrilled to share Saturday morning together as sisters in the Salt Lake Olympus Stake.  A fabulous brunch was served as we gazed upon the multitude of quilts prepared by members of our Stake.  The program that followed included remarks by Richard and Linda Eyre and our own Stake President, Scott Buie.

The podcast at the top is the talk given by President Buie, “Going Through Trials.  It includes Ten Ways to Help and how to keep the Spirit when you are going through difficult times in your life.  You can also hear the entire conference at the link below.


Richard and Linda Eyre offer free publications on

President Scott Buie

Audio February 28, 2015 Relief Society Conference – President Scott Buie

Audio 2015 Women’s Conference – All

A Letter from President Buie

Dear Sisters of this Great and Blessed Olympus Stake,
It is hard for me to find the words to express the joy I feel as I contemplate all you good sisters attending the weekly Sisters in Scripture Class.  I have had many of you come up to me and offer thanks for the Class.  The thanks need to go to the Stake RS presidency and Teachers.
We were told in last general conference that “The Lord has commanded us  to search the scriptures, to feast upon them, and to treasure them up…as we do, we will have the Spirit with us.  We will become acquainted with His voice.  And ” The scriptures are the voice of the Lord, studying the scriptures, trains us to hear the Lords voice”.    -David McConkie, first counselor in the Sunday school presidency. Nov 2010 Ensign.
Sisters, I promise you that your faith and testimony will grow as you attend this class and feast on the words of Christ. (Make it a lifetime habit.)And as your faith and testimony grow, so shall your children’s faith grow.  Generations will be blessed because of your faith and testimony. Sisters, speaking for the priesthood, we need you. Our lives would be dismal without you. We need your faith and testimony to be strong as you need ours to be strong. We rely on each other. Let us all keep the faith !

I testify of the power of  the word of God in our lives.   In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Scott Buie
President, Salt Lake Olympus Stake