April 22, 2014 1 John, 2 John, Jude by Nancy Baird

Audio April 22, 2014 1 John 2 John & Jude by Nancy Baird

1 John
2 John

“On the other hand…No…There is no other hand.’”
Tevye, from Fiddler on the Roof

“The writer…is careful of what he reads, for that is what he will write.  He is careful of what he learns, because that is what he will know.”
Annie Dillard, The Writing Life, 68.

“…our inner space is not easy to defend as the world-mind comes crowding in…Many of the influences that seek access to us must be investigated because they carry with them their anger, their lust, their resistance, their sadness, their vanity – recruiting us to their energy field.”
Catherine Thomas, Light in the Wilderness, 176.

George A. Smith said, about Joseph Smith:  “There was no point upon which the prophet Joseph dwelt more than the discerning of spirits.”                                     
Catherine Thomas, in Light in the Wilderness, 177.

“Daniel Webster once said that the strongest argument for God he knew was an aunt who lived in the hills of Vermont.”
Interpreter’s Bible, Vol. XII, 312.

“Years ago a certain reporter wrote a story that was highly critical of La Vell Edwards.  I thought it was even a little mean.  Yet the next day, during a practice at BYU, I saw Edwards talking to the reporter one-on-one, answering his questions patiently and acting as if nothing had passed between them.  Later when I found myself alone with Edwards, I asked him about this – how had he managed to treat the reporter so kindly and considerately?  His answer went something like this:  “I decided a long time ago that if I were going to hold grudges, it would get to be too much and pretty soon there would be too many to keep track of.” 

Edwards always seemed above the fray…he had no enemies…even the coaches from Utah liked him.”
Doug Robinson, Deseret News, April 9, 2014, D3.