February 18, 2014 Titus, Second Timothy By Nancy Baird

 Audio February 18, 2014 Titus and 2 Timothy by Nancy Baird

2 Timothy


 “There is a strong vein of hostility against orthodox religious believers in America today, especially among the young.  When secular or mostly secular people are asked by researchers to give their impression of the devoutly faithful, whether Jewish, Christian or other, the words that come up commonly include “judgmental,” “hypocritical,” “old-fashioned” and “out of touch.”
David Brookes, New York Times, Jan 27, 2014.

“Fear is the mind-killer.”
Frank Herbert, Dune

If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you.
If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.”
The Gospel of Thomas, (Aprocrypha).

(To some, life is…)  “a tale
Told by an idiot,
 Full of sound and fury
Signifying nothing.”
Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act V, Scene 5.

 “I entreat you…to send me, from the things of mine…a warmer cap…I feel the cold painfully in my head…Also a warmer cloke, for the one I have is very thin…But most of all…my Hebrew Bible, grammar, and vocabulary, that I may spend my time in that pursuit.”
William Tyndale, from his prison cell in Vilvoorde, the winter before his death,  in Life, by Demaus, 475.

 John Milton called books “the precious life-blood of a master-spirit.” 
John Milton, Areopagitica.

 A Parable of White Paper

“When there cometh to me from the stationer a Package of White Paper, all in even and trimmed sheets, I look at it with a kind of reverence as I consider what shall be the destination of the Five Hundred flat and unsoiled leaves.  For with it I can blow up more trouble than with a Stick of Dynamite: and with it I can write that which shall be read by an Hundred Thousand folk.

When the great Apostle Paul was in Prison, and near to his death, he wrote unto Timothy for the cloak which he had left at Troas with Carpus, and Winter was coming, and the jail was cold and damp.  He wrote for his Books, for his mind was alert, that he might read.  But there was one thing which he wanted even more, and that was something upon which he could write, for he was full of Messages, and he wished for Parchment.  Had he lived in the days of Paper, how his fingers would have itched to get at it.  Therefore do I thank God for White Paper; and I seek to write nothing that would shame me if I should see it posted upon the Bulletin Board in the town where I reside.  For White Paper is a Peril as well as a Blessing; and the Letter Killeth.”
William Eleazar Barton (1861-1930),  (abbreviated).