Audio: April 16, 2013 Lesson 91 – As I Have Loved You
Matt 26-27
Mark 14-15
Luke 22-23
John 17-19
“Divine mercy can best be applied by Him who knows these things that only He can know…The quiet moments of courage in the lives of His flock. The un-noticed acts of Christian service, the unspoken thoughts which can be credited in no other way except through perfect judgment…The self assigned gatekeeper is Jesus Christ, who awaits us out of a deep divine desire to welcome us as much as to certify us…If we acknowledge Him now, He will lovingly and gladly admit us then.” Neal A. Maxwell
“The hours that lay immediately ahead would change the meaning of all human history. It would be the crowning moment of eternity. The most miraculous of all the miracles. It would be the supreme contribution to a plan designed from before the foundation of the world for the happiness of every man, woman, and child who would ever live in it. The hour of atoning sacrifice had come. Gods own Son, His only Begotten Son in the flesh, was about to become the Savior of the world.” Jeffrey R. Holland