January 21, 2014 Colossians By Nancy Baird

 Audio January 21, 2014 Colossians


Prelude by Michael Ethington
cds available through www.michaelethington.com


“He (Paul) quietly continued the discharge of every duty which was still possible to him in his captivity, and knew…that his times were in God’s hands, and that, whether life awaited him or death, all things were his, whether things present or things to come, and he was Christ’s, and Christ was God’s…In the solitude of his sad imprisonment, his life was hid with Christ in God.”
F. W. Farrar, The Life and Work of St. Paul, 740.

“There are three grand secrets lying in this chapter (2 Peter, chapter 1) which no man can dig out, unless by the light of revelation…which unlocks the whole chapter—as the things that are written are only hints of things which existed in the prophet’s mind.”
Joseph Smith, Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith , 304.

“The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.”
Archilochus, ancient Greek poet, fragment.

“The end of all learning is to know God, and out of that knowledge to love and imitate him.”
John Milton, Milton on Education, The Tractate of Education